Monday, May 27, 2024

12 Factors That May Be Driving Visitors Away From Your Mobile Site and it's solutions


12 Factors That May Be Driving Visitors Away From Your Mobile Site and it's solutions

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In today's digital era, a user-friendly mobile experience is very essential for retaining visitors and ensuring their satisfaction. But still due to various factors, visitors may drive  away from your mobile site, negatively impacting your online presence, engagement and communication. 

But before knowing about the factors which are responsible for driving visitors away from you site, Let's know about user-friendly and mobile friendly site to which visitors mostly attracted to.

A mobile and user-friendly website always provides a seamless experience with excellent user experience irrespective of any devices. A mobile friendly website may be designed with responsive web design.

Here are some considerations to make your site user-friendly 

  • Responsive Design with optimising navigation and page structure 

  • Fast Loading speed 

  • Clear Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

  • Accessible Content

  • Minimal Pop-ups and Ads

  • Quality Content

Now, Let's know about 12 important factors which may be deterring visitors from your site along with the solutions.

  1. Slow Loading Speed 

It is one of the important factor due to which visitors preferred to  stay away from your site.

Solution - Optimize images, content delivery network (CDN), and minimize JavaScript can be a perfect Solution for it. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights may be helpful to identify the area to improve.

  1. Unresponsive Design 

In this era of competitive world, there are millions of sites providing diverse content to its users and no one wants to wait to get a content in a proper format in seconds. So unresponsive Design may be a reason for this. 

Solution - Responsive web design may be used that can adjusts layout and content based on the device's screen size.

  1. Poor Navigation 

You have definitely faced this issue atleast once when you've gone to a site and couldn’t find the information you need. 

Solution - For making the site user-friendly, simplification of of navigation menu must be done along with use of clear and concise labels.

  1. Excessive Ads and Cluttred layout 

Excessive Ads and Cluttred layout can be annoying and irritating for users visiting your site and thereby staying away from site.

Solution - Minimise number of ads and use of targetted approach so that the message or ad reaching out to the particular users not for all. 

  1. Lack of Mobile-Friendly Forms

It can also be a crucial factor driving the users from your site. 

Solution - Simplify forms by reducing the number of fields and use of auto fill feature can be greatly helpful for this issue.

  1. No Clear Calls-to-Action

Getting users to your site is not a big deal but you also need them to take action on a particular product.

Solution - Clearly define the action you want the user to take while creating CTA button. 

  1. Unoptimized Images and Videos

Always optimise the images and videos of your site according to user preferences and experience otherwise the user may avoid using your site.

Solution - Using of responsive image along with compressing the image and video size may be helpful for faster loading 

  1. Irrelevant Content 

Putting irrelevant content in your site may impact the user experience.

Solution - Update your content regularly and keep posting fresh contents according to the trend in market.

  1. Boring Design

Boring Design of your site may break credibility of your brand or site as company’s authenticity is purely based on the design.

Solution - Use professional and modern web design along with consistent theme colour in site.

  1. Poor Font Readability

Using of small size font or poor font may look boring to user that are visiting your site.

Solution - Ensure a sufficient contrast between text and background and also ensure font size is reasonable and readeable on all devices.

  1. Broken Links and Errors

Broken links and errors is the most annoying thing for users that they are more likely to avoid using your site forever.

Solution - Regularly audit the site for broken links and fix them promptly may be helpful for this particular issue.

  1. Poor Touchscreen Experience

Inadequate touchscreen experience may impact your user experience.

Solution - Ensure using of all interactive elements such as buttons and links are appropriately sized.


By addressing these important factors, you can expect am excellent user experience and good reach to your potential customers.. Users will more likely to visit your site often for their purposes. It will definitely lead to higher visitor retention and satisfaction.

For more information of bigcommerce development services you can visit on our website.

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